6-Month Program

6-Month Program


The 6-Month Program is specifically designed to start right where you are—and get you to where you want—and deserve—to be.

You are likely in some “parenting pain” right now (otherwise you wouldn’t be here)—you’ve got worries, questions, and maybe Dad does, too.___

From Chaos to Calm

HIGHLY INDIVIDUALIZED.  Not everyone begins in the same place—or has the same needs and desires. We begin where you are.

CONSISTENT ACTION. This is the only way change is going to become your new habit. You’ll have the step-by-step plan and I provide the support to make sure you are following through.

You read books, ask friends, and yet their advice and answers don’t quite seem to fit YOUR child and your particular set of circumstances.

You deserve the specific answers that match your specific questions.

ADDED BONUS: You’ll stop yelling at your kids so much!

ANOTHER ADDED BONUS: You’ll relax and enjoy being his parent!

One mom said she didn’t realize that parenting was “supposed to be this easy!

This program is geared towards parents and grandparents who are ready to make lasting changes within themselves and the way they parent, so that they can pass down a new legacy of healthy family patterns.

This program is geared towards parents determined to make lasting changes within themselves and in the way they parent, so that their families thrive!

Are you ready?

Schedule a complementary call with me and let’s find out!

If you prefer a payment plan, contact Janet directly at janet@boysalive.com

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